Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What's Up, Mommy?

* The inter-machinations of the Montville School District is the topic of the day. It appears many on The Vanpool are fond of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

"I guess our thug teacher's union didn't like the new principal," one guy said about the deposed leader of a particular elementary school.

"I heard rumors to that effect," one other man confirmed.

* Barbara is taking up two seats today. She's carrying with her an overstuffed Lord & Taylor shopping back filled with a pink pillow.

* We pull up to the red light to get the newspapers. Roland starts talking to us.

"You know what sucks," he asks. "People tell us to stay cool. How you gonna stay cool on a day like this?"

"We have to go," Barbara says. "We can make the light!"

We end up not making the light.

"What you don't want to talk to Roland? That's okay, Mommy. Because I want to talk to you," Roland says as we drive off.

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